Jessicah Travis

This Is My Body: A Body Scan Meditation
This Is My Body: A Body Scan Meditation

Jessicah Travis is a Life Coach, Podcaster, and NLP Practitioner helping women liberate from toxic and oppressive programming.

After two craniotomies to remove a blinding tumor, she learned to listen to and be present in her body: mind, body, and soul. She is also a survivor of toxic gaslighting abuse and now helps other women 'take their pens back' and write their TRUE stories with courage and beauty.

You can also find her in nature, enjoying her family, creating new life adventures, camping, podcasting, and dreaming up new ways to connect people to their truth and free them from oppressive programming (yes.... it's nearly a hobby for her!)

Connect with Jessicah on these platforms:
@jessicahtravis (twitter and IG)
@jessicahtravislifecoaching (facebook)
Find her podcasts on her website or at and


The Dark Glow of the Mountains by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

